Healing Channels for the release of fear and Liberation of the Soul.


The Mission

Throughout Humanity the Saints have been embodied to grant access to the highest degree of consciousness. Swami Kaleshwar, Sai Baba, Buddha, Jesus and many others discovered and became the channels for the highest energy to come through- the vibration of oneness. Their mission was to reflect to the planet the truth of life- and death. The formulas and knowledge are eternal and unlimited. It is the passing on of the only thing which can truly transform- the energy of un-conditional love and the knowing that the Self is All and All is One.

This meditation system uses mantras (ancient sound vibrations) and yantras (energetic structures)- given by the grace of the lineage- to know Mother Divine- the source of Creation. They hold the intentions of the Saints- for each Soul to know its true Self and reveal the mechanisms of Creation. They generate Soul Power which then uses the mind rather than the mind running the Soul. - the experience of no-separation- of Eternal Freedom.

Candles are different, but the Light is the same.
— Swami Kaleshwar